TeamSpeak 3 Server for free?

There is also a free TeamSpeak server?

There are several ways to run a TeamSpeak 3 Server free of charge. We list here are some ways how you can use a server free of charge.

The public TeamSpeak 3 ServerList

The easiest way to use a TeamSpeak 3 Server free of charge is the server list in the Teamspeakclient, in this list, you will find many servers, which have set a password which you simply connect can. The downside of this server is that it has practically no rights on the server. You can create no permanent channel and manage also no user. also always the danger that one a bad mood Admin simply throwing from the server. But this is sure a great way free to come you must not pay a server ran for a brief chat with a colleague.

Can you free TeamSpeak server hosting?

A TS 3 Server can host you also free yourself, to do this you must download simply the server of the TeamSpeak page. TeamSpeak allows that you can host a server with up to 32 slot yourself, you get the files for it on their website. It loads the server down so and installed it on his computer. Once the server is running can anyone on the server join unless he knows because your IP. That's also the problem, because most Internet providers assign dynamic IPs to one it is so constantly changing, and you would have to tell people with whom you want to talk getting the new IP.

Who owns a root server or V-server can install on this a TeamSpeak 3 Server and the server has a fixed IP, then you can do anything on these servers what you can do with a server you rent also. It has usually even much more rights because you can manage the server completely himself. However, the 32 slot server is limited and thus for larger community BB´s or inadequate clan. Who would like to use more slots is forced to switch to one of the official host, you can find some of them in our price comparison.

There are sponsors – how to get sponsored?

Many people think you can let yourself also sponsoring a server, that works with well-known teams or sizes in the eSport also, but a server will rarely be sponsored the Otto-normal-team peak user. But also famous YouTuber have good chances to get sponsored a server when you mention the sponsor in your videos. A sponsorship for game server or voice server requires more consideration of the sponsored, so anyone who offers nothing will find hardly a sponsor which provides one to free a TS 3 Server.

On many hosting a TS3 is included free with the game server

Who is already a customer at a Gameserverhoster also a free TeamSpeak server often has the possibility to its game server to book. If this is not explicit with indicated on the Web pages you can quiet times speak of hosters support, many hosting providers are striving to retain your customers and often you can get a small server for free to the game server. It should be remembered however that must pay royalties for the server each hoster, you should not be so sour react when the hoster does not free gives the server a.

Who there is no risk in the administration of an own TeamSpeak 3 Server turn on the dedicated server can be so at almost every game server hosting company also a TS3 server rent.